A Part of Me
An easy method to use for making the beginning of the course more lively. It also works in groups where the participants are already familiar with each other.
Methods for familiarising, overcoming tension, and learning about expectations.
An easy method to use for making the beginning of the course more lively. It also works in groups where the participants are already familiar with each other.
This is an intensive and time consuming method for getting to know each other; therefore, it is only useful in situations where participants will spend a longer period of time together.
This is an effective method for overcoming the stiffness typical when beginning work in groups where the participants are not familiar with each other.
People will memorise all of the participants’ names in a short period of time.
Besides getting to know each other, this method provides the trainer with some insights in the participants’ backgrounds, motivations, and interests. In addition, the participants start becoming familiar with the course content.
The most common method for participants to introduce themselves.