Tools for Teaching and Leading.
Here you will find articles, descriptions of methods, and other materials related to leadership, planning and teaching. is a free resource for teachers, trainers, leaders, and other people working with groups.
Learn about recent updates in
These articles explain what happens when people communicate with each other and offer tips for improving one’s communication skills.
Group Dynamics & Team Building
These articles will help to understand undermining processes in a group and outline actions for influencing them.
How to Teach – What Do Good Adult Educators Do?
A series of articles about teaching.
Here you will find a number of selected links to useful and inspiring Latvian and English websites.
Methods and Tools
Methods for organising feed back and assessing impact.
Getting to Know Each Other & Ice Breaking
Methods for familiarising, overcoming tension, learning about expectations, and giving participants a break in the teaching process.
Interaction & Sharing Experience
Methods for facilitating participants’ sharing of knowledge and experience.
Techniques and strategies for effective learning.
Moderation & Structuring of Information
Methods for moderating discussions and facilitating group work.
Problem solving & Planning Change
Methods for problem analysis, brain storming, goal setting and planning.
Methods for connecting information to the work and life of the learner.